How Much Protection Can You Get by Wearing Face Mask?

In the year of 2009, when swine flu started in the USA, people were considering various ways and means to reduce spreading of this virus.

Since, there was no vaccine available for this disease and hence the expert suggested to use FDA approved masks.

Now currently the whole of world is struggling with new virus called COVID-19, which no body had seen before and hence people are looking for these masks once again.

However, can these masks really protect us from spread of these viruses called SARS-Cov-2? Let us see the opinion of experts.

Expert’s opinion

No experts are recommending wearing these masks for our protection from deadly viruses, as these face masks is not good enough for the tiny viruses. These masks are recommended only for them, who are already affected due to these viruses.

Also, for the doctors and healthcare professionals, it is mandatory to wear such masks while they are working with their patients.

People who are affected need to wear such masks, so that they can be easily identified and isolated from the crowd. By wearing these masks, they can prevent spread of this virus to some extent, particularly when they cough or sneeze.

Masks can help in few cases

Experts have been doing lots of studies for many years, about effectiveness of wearing masks to check how much can it protect in spreading these viruses.

As per the study done in 2013, a seasonal flu patient can easily limit in spreading of virus when they try to exhale small amounts of droplets that contain virus. At least it can prevent it to spread into the air to certain extent.

Another study made by Japanese scientists by conducting research among school children that with vaccination as well as wearing masks can reduce chances of seasonal influenza development.

Another interesting fact is that rate of flu can be much lower if masks are also coupled with proper hygiene of hands. So, regular washing of hands is one of the most essential tools to prevent the spreading of virus.

Different kinds of masks

Broadly there are two kinds of masks that can help us to protect against spread of virus and which are as follows:

      1. Surgical face masks

These kinds of face masks can be fairly loose-fitting, which is often worn by doctors, nurses and dentists while treating their patients.

Such masks can prevent only large droplets that contain viruses from escaping via your nose and mouth. But average masks that you buy from local drugstore may not be enough to filter viruses.

      2. Respirators

Another variety which is called as N95 respirator masks, which are designed for protecting the wearer from any small particles like viruses.

Since these respirators can filter 95% of airborne particles, hence it can be used while painting or handling any potentially toxic materials.

You can choose these respirators to exactly fit your face. Healthcare workers wear them to protect from airborne infectious diseases.

Unlike common face masks, such respirators can protect against small and large particles.