Methods to lose weight using medications

People who have autoimmune diseases, chronic pain, or depression can enjoy a fuller life. Some of these powerful drugs can have unwanted side effects like weight gain.

Medication can cause weight gain. This can be very frustrating. Recognizing that weight gain may be a side effect of taking medication is the first step to overcoming it.

Here are some tips to help you lose weight after taking medication.

Change to a different medication

First, you should consider changing your medication. There are many side effects of different drugs.

A doctor may be able to prescribe a similar medication to a person if they experience weight gain.

Lower medication dosage

Sometimes it is possible to lower your medication’s dosage and still receive relief from the conditions it is treating.

It is important to consult your doctor before you stop taking medication or decrease the dosage.


An increase in physical activity may also be helpful to control weight gain due to medication.

A study trusted source shows that exercising has many health benefits, regardless of whether it results in weight loss. These benefits include lower blood pressure.

Combining exercise with antidepressant medicine can prevent depression symptoms from returning.

Talk to a dietitian

To assess their current diet, anyone concerned about weight gain due to medication should consult a dietitian. If you have a renewed hunger, a dietitian can help you find the right way Trusted Source to satisfy your cravings.

Prescription appetite suppressant program are integral part of weight loss. This program will help you to control hunger cravings and urges as well as effective metabolism boosters to help you feel better and lose more fat.

Limit portion sizes

Some medications can increase appetite. For example, people taking antidepressants may experience an increased appetite as their mood has improved.

Learn to control your portion size and listen to your hunger cues to limit weight gain.

Avoid alcohol

Certain medications that cause weight loss are not safe to be taken with alcohol. To prevent unnecessary calories and weight gain, patients should not consume high-calorie alcoholic drinks while on medication.

Get enough rest

The key component of good health is quality sleep. Poor sleep can cause adverse effects to the body, such as increased fat stores and higher levels of stress hormones.

Drink more water

The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry recommends that people drink large quantities of water every day to help prevent medication-related weight gain.

People often confuse thirst and hunger. It is possible to eat more calories than you need by drinking more water.

Reduce salt intake

Patients taking medications that cause water loss, such as corticosteroids can reduce their salt intake to limit weight gain. The low sodium diet is a diet that includes less than 2000 mg of salt daily.

Consume regular meals

It helps to eat at regular times throughout the day, which can help burn calories faster. You will also be less likely to snack on food high in fat or sugar.

Take in plenty of fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods.

Fruits and vegetables are low-calorie and fat-rich, but high in fiber. This is a key ingredient for weight loss. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals.

Get more active

It is important to be active if you want to lose weight and keep it off. Exercise is a great way to burn calories you can’t lose with the diet alone.

Eat high fiber foods

High levels of fiber in foods can help you feel fuller and more likely to lose weight. Fiber can only be found in foods made from plants like fruit, vegetables, oatmeal, wholegrain bread, and brown rice, as well as beans, peas, and lentils.

Pay attention to food labels

Learning how to read food labels will help you make better choices. You can use the calorie information for determining how a specific food fits in your daily calorie allowance when you are following a weight loss program.

Use a smaller dish

Smaller plates and bowls can allow you to eat smaller portions. Smaller plates and bowls can help you gradually become more comfortable with smaller portions. It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain you are full. Eat slowly and stop eating once you feel satisfied.